Drones as lifesavers – a new picture is emerging
If you have followed the classic media in recent months on the subject of drones, you have repeatedly heard voices talking about drones as a threat. People at major events would have to be afraid that drones could be used to carry out attacks on these major events. In addition, tests have been conducted on what happens when a drone and a human collide, i.e., when a drone crashes and falls on a human, or when a drone is piloted by an inexperienced pilot in such a way that a collision occurs.
Depending on which party you believe (the manufacturer DJI had similar tests conducted as DEKRA in Germany and obtained entirely different results), the consequences for the human victim of the accident range from devastating to not really damaging to health.
The negative reporting of recent months, accompanied by tougher regulations on drone flying that have recently come into force in Germany, made many a novice think twice about buying a quadcopter or resorting to another drone with a camera. But currently, the voices are again increasing that perceive the advantage of drones in public life as well. And a very special study from Sweden is playing a major role in this.
Drones in emergencies as a means of transporting medical equipment
According to a Zeit Online article, around 50,000 people in Germany suffer a collapse each year due to heart problems. This can happen when the heart simply stops beating altogether or when it starts twitching like crazy. This twitching is called ventricular fibrillation. In someone whose heart has simply stopped beating, it becomes extremely difficult to make successful resuscitation attempts. Cardiac rhythm massage with parallel ventilation can keep the patient alive until the emergency physician arrives who can attempt to restart the heart with an appropriate injection.
In the case of ventricular fibrillation, there is a much better chance of successful resuscitation if the necessary medical equipment is available. For this purpose, a defibrillator is needed to shock the patient and thus bring the heart back into a normal rhythm. There have been a number of defibrillators for public use for about ten years now, which give instructions to the user or even establish a direct connection to the emergency control center so that a trained first aider on the other end of the line can assist you as a first aider on site and give you appropriate instructions until the rescue forces arrive on the scene.
The problem with this is – treatment for cardiac arrest or ventricular fibrillation must be initiated within minutes. In many parts of Europe, however, ambulances take up to 20 minutes before they arrive at the scene of an emergency call.

The greatest risk is in rural areas
Appropriate defibrillators are available in many public facilities. In subway stations, normal train stations, city halls, concert halls and other public facilities, these devices are quickly at hand and can save patients’ lives. But especially if you are outside the city, perhaps in a wooded area, or if you live in a smaller suburb in a purely residential area and the distance to the nearest hospital and fire department is somewhat further, the time in which you could have saved the casualty can quickly pass without anything being done. This is where drones come into play.
A Swedish study shows encouraging results
Near Stockholm, in a region where it takes an ambulance an average of 20 minutes to get to the scene of an emergency call, a study was conducted to test the usefulness of drones for transporting medical equipment. The results were overwhelming. It took between 3 and 5 minutes for drones to get to the scene of an emergency call. This would allow first responders on the scene to provide initial care until emergency medical services arrive, even if there is no appropriate medical equipment in the immediate vicinity of the accident scene.
Progress in the drone sector unstoppable
Even though in recent months there has been an increasing feeling that various media outlets have wanted to condemn drones as a danger to air traffic and to people in general – progress in the field of drone research cannot be stopped. Of course, it is always possible that careless use of drones can lead to accidents, and much like a car or other normal means of transportation, drones can also be misused by criminals for their plans. However, anyone who adheres to the applicable laws regarding drone flight will certainly not pose a danger to the general public with their quadrocopter. On the positive side, in addition to the many negative voices of recent months, the many very good uses of drones, such as commercial use and life-saving use, are increasingly coming into focus.